The Issues

I believe my qualifications for City Council are grounded in my unwavering dedication to safeguarding children, my extensive experience in combatting human trafficking, my strong advocacy for law enforcement funding, and my firm commitment to upholding personal rights and promoting economic freedom.

I am confident that my background and expertise uniquely position me to address crucial issues and preserve the cherished St. George way of life.

I have a firm conviction that our society is exceptional, grounded in the values of Faith, patriotism, hard work, personal responsibility, and sacrifice.

What steps do you plan to take to ensure that there is a sufficient supply of affordable housing for PRIMARY residents, including those in lower income brackets?

Beyond thoroughly examining our zoning regulations, I believe this is a complex matter with no definitive answers. In moving towards the future, our city council should consider the lessons from the past and employ long-term planning, including predictive analysis, to address such issues and proactively prevent similar occurrences. The current situation, triggered by the Covid pandemic and the influx of people fleeing California, was fairly unpredictable. We now find ourselves grappling with challenges that have long troubled California and Hawaii, such as the likelihood of multiple families residing in a single dwelling, reminiscent of situations in Hawaii. After conversing with various members of our community, I believe that private property owners should have the ability to establish accessory dwelling units on their premises, enabling them to accommodate their own children who are striving to establish their lives and families here in Dixie. I am eager to explore alternative solutions wherein the city government safeguards the rights of private property owners. I desire a more transparent approach to constructing or renovating houses, as there have been unsettling accounts of ambiguous bureaucratic procedures leading to initial approvals followed by unexpected rejections.

What specific projects do you support that are currently underway, other than water management, to improve the infrastructure in the city i.e transportation, utilities, public buildings, parks, open space, telecommunications, master planned developments?

I am eagerly anticipating the completion of the river road/1450 connection to the freeway as it will bring about positive changes. The new city building project is also intriguing, although I have reservations about the associated loan. Some individuals claim it is free money, but I recognize that if there is any interest involved, it cannot truly be considered free. Moreover, it appears that the loan might serve as a means to circumvent the need for truth in taxation. I am still in the process of familiarizing myself with these projects and their intricacies.

How do you plan to balance the need for public safety with the need for individual freedoms and privacy?

The importance of public safety cannot be overstated, yet it is equally important to uphold our constitutionally protected personal privacy rights. While there may be instances where actions taken in the name of public safety might temporarily restrict our rights, such measures must be justified and in alignment with constitutional principles. It is essential to remember that the government possesses only the powers that we as citizens grant it, and anything beyond that is usurped.

How do you plan to balance the need for new residential development with concerns about urban sprawl and preserving the natural beauty of the area?

I have a deep appreciation for the stunning landscapes of St. George, and I understand that future infrastructure planning can have an impact on the overall aesthetics, depending on the type of development. However, I firmly believe that the protection of private property rights should take precedence. If there is an area that you do not wish to see developed, the best course of action would be to personally acquire it and preserve it according to your own vision. I appreciate the ambiance of our locality, primarily attributed to its considerate development process. Although Covid has introduced unforeseen challenges, we recognize the necessity to reassess and revise our development plans. In this regard, I will actively seek input from all stakeholders involved.

What specific business sectors or industries do you believe would have the greatest positive impact on growth in the Greater Dixie area?

I believe that the private industry should play a determining role in shaping our direction. It is important for me to support the desires of the people. If the technology, medical, mechanical, and other industries express interest in establishing themselves here, their outcomes, whether successful or not, will be solely their responsibility. Similarly, if individuals wish to pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations, I will extend my support to them.

Do you believe that there is a need for more entertainment options, such as bars, restaurants, and music venues, in the city?

If there is a demand, it is important for the government to refrain from obstructing and instead permit the establishment of a safe and enjoyable nightlife experience for those who desire it.

How do you plan to balance the needs of agriculture, Golf Courses, and residential water users to ensure equitable access to water resources?

I believe Zack at the Washington County Water Conservancy District is performing admirably. St. George already has a regulated monitoring system, which will become even more refined with the implementation of smart meters. I must admit though, these meters can feel intrusive at times. Our focus should be on continuously developing our reservoirs and secondary water systems. It would be ideal if we could discover a more efficient method to stop federal government interference, enabling the completion of the Warner Valley reservoir.